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Court Booker

4.4 ( 7664 ratings )
Sport Produktivitet
Utvecklare: Clanrise
1.99 USD

Court Booker is the easiest way to book courts from any kind with an iPhone.
Just find the clubs you want and within a few clicks you can book a court.
Owners of a club can create their own club from within the app.
Thanks to an easy to use interface, this will be done in minutes! Parameters like sports, courts, weekly session table, set sports private, restrictions for booking, set payment and send an email to members from within the app are some of the many features.
Owners can decline users for certain sports, they can send a message to the users they choose, they can edit their vacation, an interruption, even maintenance for a broken court. They can delete bookings from others, who will be notified, and make bookings for people who dont have an iPhone.
Bookings will be listed in a chronologically listed table.
Different kinds of notifications will be part of the court booker experience. Important notifications will appear on the homescreen, but not all of them, because too many notifications can sometimes be annoying. All notifications will be listed in a table. Accordingly to the kind of notification, you will be able to act from within it.
Users can send messages to owners and vice versa.
For questions, suggestions or remarks, you can just ask the developer from within the app.
Everything is directly saved on the server, so there is no need for saving each time. When you loose your iPhone, just log in with your account on your new iPhone and everything will be there. So even if you dont have an iPhone, you can create an account on a friends iPhone and book courts, no matter what iPhone you are on.
The data is secured with parse.